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Jabir had engage religiousity his Philosophical thought on divinity, universe, human, society, and knowledge. The object of this study is a collection of writings Jabir ibn Hayyan Classical Arabic in Rasa `il Mukhtar vol.1 (script by Paul Kraus 1935), using a qualitative approach to descriptive analytical method, combining historical and philosophical approach, taking into account the substantial and functional relationship between information and obtained and the views contained in the manuscript. This research is based on factual historical research model. In this case, Jabir ibn Hayyan, seems to be the most authoritative figures Muslim chemists to be explored further. It should be further explored the life and work of Muslim chemists. Fundamental problems faced by the Islamic university and school is how to strengthen the integration of religiousity into science education. "Religiousity has not received adequate attention among scientists and educational researchers.

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